
#010 Patrick Hamilton Walsh - Secret to a happy fulfilled life full of creativity & growth

“Be the change you want to see in the world”  - Mohanda Gandhi


Warm hearted Loving Man, Backpacker, Author of 4 books, Adventurer, Life Coach, Speaker, Phoneographer and Instagram Star that was holding the world record for sitting on a Ferris wheel for 24hrs and 30min. And most of all a master of listening to his heart. 


His heart’s colour is GREEN as it is with the heart chakra and the colours of Ireland. 

His person’s colour is WHITE. His person contains all the aspects of life, shades and colours. From the darkest blacks to the brightest whites all is there. And white is the combination of all colours. 

Darkness holds great secrets as does light. 


Patrick is such a warm open, happy personality; it is hart not to enjoy his presence. A man full of respect for others. For the podcast episode he prepared himself by chanting to open up his sound, in order to give us all the best experience he can master. He might also meditate before to be fully present. Incredible how much respect a person can show to others. A real role model for the good of humanity. 


“Sound was there before there was light.” Sound has the power to create. 

“And God SAID: Let there be light, and there was light.” - Bible. Genesis 1:3 



Life is creative. Everything is creative. 

There are 2 sides of life.

1. Competition (Masculine Side) 

When he was young he had a very competitive mindset to get out of where he was in Nordern Ireland. But when you win you are alone. Your are on the top of everyone else. Beating them and overtaking them. He didn’t like it there alone. 

2. Creativity (Feminine Side)

The Creative; helping, sharing with others to grow and to win together. 


Creativity comes from Inspire: “To receive from god”


TIP for the ones that don’t feel creative and want to add creativity to their life or just want to become more creative. 

Everyone is creative, everyone is able to be inspired. If you can’t tap into that feeling then try to do something new. Listen to new music, meet other people, go somewhere you have never been before and feel what happens in your body. 



How to get anything done and overcome creative block:

- Write one word when you want to write a book

- Draw one line to get started for the next drawing

- Do one push up to start being more physical active

- Or sing one line of your favourite song to learn to sing. 


If you do any of those things you’ll find out that the next word, next line or next sit up will follow very easily. For Patrick writers block does only happen when he has to compete with milestones; compete against time. The male, mental and logical part of the energy. When being in your feminine you don’t have that pressure and you are more creative. 

Patrick wrote his latest book “Forgive me Sister” in 3 Weeks. But it took another 1.5 years for the reviews and preparation for publishing. The novel just poured out of him.


How to learn to LISTEN to your HEART and INTUITION:

The mind is easy manipulated. Commercials, books, friends, school etc. We listen way too much to our head. The heart is so much stronger in guiding us. 

Therefore it is important to learn to listen to your heart. Your heart knows what you need.

How can I to listen to my heart; to my intuition?

Whenever you have the chance ask your heart where to go. The more you do the better you are becoming into listening to it. It’s like everything. Practice makes the master.


Do this exercise when you have enough time at your hand

You leave home, work or are in the city and need to get to a specific place, or even better no destination at all. When stepping out hold still and listen to your heart.

Ask yourself: “Where to go? Left or Right? Or straight ahead?”

Now you get a hint; a feeling, a vision, hearing a voice or your body starts moving. Example: a twitching in your left hand. Follow it and at the next crossing you ask again. Do this until you are at your destination.

You never know what you’ll experience. You might walk into the people you need to meet or you are able to help someone. The point is you start learning to listen to the messages your body gives you.



Both are good and needed. They live both in women and men.

- Male Energy vs. Female Energy

- Mind; Thinking vs. Magic; Heart, Feeling

- Logic, competition vs. Creativity and helping, sharing

Male: This is the competitive energy. It’s the head and mental side. First, faster, stronger, more, racing against time (milestones etc)

Female: This is the creative energy coming from the heart and intuition. Together, compassionate, help others to become better and stronger.


For example; look at our rainforest.  

Masculinity: Short term masculinity can be destructive. Cut down trees to create more grass fields for cows. So we can have more meat for burgers.

Femininity:  Sees the rainforest as the lunge of the planet and wants to make sure the the next generations have a beautiful planet to life on. Take and give back 


Patrick’s Life Moto:

People come into ones life for:

  1. A reasons,
  2. A season, or
  3. A Lifetime 


- Life your life like there is no tomorrow. Nothing is guaranteed so enjoy it as much as you can

- Don’t loose the future out of sight. Patrick plans about 1 year ahead to be prepared, but lives in the now. 

- Patrick doesn’t believe in the work hard, play hard mentality. He does work hard but he also loves to relax, enjoy life hard too. It is important to have a good balance in life. 


Time Management, Focus on what is important:

- Think of life like a room full of plants and you have only one watering can. You can go around and give a bit of water to each plant or you focus each day on a few plants and give them more water and care. Some plants need less water and other more. 


DISEASES in our time:

- After 2010 the world started to have more people living in cities than country side. Diseases are on the rise. Mental discomforts: 


DIS - EASE => “Not at ease”


Many diseases come because we are living on top of each other instead of together. In the modern world everyone seems to be replaceable but where we come from we had purpose in our community. So if one of us got sick the community made sure that we were ok and well so we can perform what we were meant to.


COMMUNITY from Latin. “Shared in Common, Shared by many.”


How to be open towards people, compassionate and supportive in life:

Learn to see people for who they are. Always ask yourself: “Where is that person coming from?”

- A celebrity most likely has been working hard to get where she/he is. What are the drivers behind that hard work? 

- A homeless might have been working in a good job until a few days ago, until external events have hit hard. 

Be empathetic but not sympathetic when you interact with people.


EMPATHY is when you see and feel people. Their joy and pain.  

SYMPATHY is when you see, feel their pain and agree that they are right. You absorb the pain or joy up onto you and let it drag you down or lift you up. 


Patrick does not feel lonely when he is alone. 

But he might feel lonely among people. If you feel bad and lonely around certain people then listen to your feelings. 

Don’t let them to make you feel bad and low in energy. Be true to yourself and let go of them. Be polite and stand up and leave. It’s your life.


2 Secret to LIFE & HAPPINESS is easy. 

  1. GIVING When you give you feel so much better. It gives back 10x
  2. MOTION creates emotion. Grow and learn. If you are moving forward; if you grow and learn you fill fulfilled  


When giving to others, we give to us happiness. We are as exited as the ones getting a gift from us. And when they receive it and are happy we are too. Even more so than them. 

We are growing when challenging ourself to do something new; the unknown is exiting. Arriving at the end line is not what makes us happy but the journeys to get there. The journey of growth is where really happiness comes from. 



Find people and projects where you can give and have the chance to grow. That is where you feel most happy. That is the reason why millionaires don’t stop working after reaching that 1st million. It’s the path of growth and giving that fires their passion and happiness. 


The 7 year Cycle

- Life is running in cycles of 7 years. From Birth to 7, 7 - 14, 14 - 21 you get the point.

Having this insight helps to steer life better. When the time for a new chapter comes you start to feel shaken, and uneasy in your body and mind. When that happens start listening more to yourself, your intuition and learn to look inward. Take the signs, so you know where you are heading to, and don’t hesitate. Holding on to the old will just make it worse, you’ll fell bad and the feelings will become more unbearable. 

Someone at 30 that feels bad in his life most likely holds on too long to the old and known. The universe tries to wake you up and shake you until you have no other choice but to move on.

That can be start for a new relation, starting a family, new job, move to another country or travel the world.


And these are the phases Patrick has experienced  

From 0 - 7 Your world is focused around mama

From 7 - 14 You start looking outside home. What is there? What is my tribe, who are my friends, what is my place in Society. Am I a leader, follower etc.

From 14 - 21 Puberty and interest in the other sex, sex-life. Where do I stand in this world? What do I want and what do I like.

From 21 - 28 You start moving away from home. University, acquire skills, knowledge and start working.

From 28 - 35 For Patrick it was letting go from work and he went traveling the world, seeing and experiencing. 

For most people this phase is about growth and climbing the ladder in society. 

From 35 - 42 He build a family and started working hard again.

Now at the age of 41 he can feel the turbulence that start to shake him up. It’s time for something new but he doesn’t know yet what it will be. 

By the time he’ll turn 42 things will have changed. I feel that is true for me too :D


The yearly energy cycles:

- December 21st - June 23th. From the the shortest day to the longest day. 

The days get longer again and we have more energy. We start to be more outward and share and work together with others.

- From the longest days to the shortest we start to go more inside ourself and focus to the inner circles. 

December 21st. to the Spring Equinox March 21st

- From March 21th to Summer Solstice and longest day on June 24th. 

- From June 24th to the Autumn Equinox September 21st.

- From September 21st



- Follow the cycles during the year. 21.December 

From 21.September the Autumn Solstice we start to retract and need more time for ourselves and the close ones. 


- There is good in all seasons. Winter and darkness has beauty and lots of wisdom, such as the summer and light has for us. 



“Be yourself

Stay true to who you are.

Don’t compare yourself to others

It’s easier to be yourself”


To make life easier. Focus on what you are passionate about and are good in. For the rest find others that are better in those task and enjoy them. That way you are helping them and you can focus on what you love. 


Call for action:

Believe in yourself. You know it all already you just need to learn to listen.

We are at the end of September and passed the Autumn Equinox. 

For the next 12 weeks (until 21. December) start to pull in the energy for you. It’s time for saving energy. Nourish yourself and be more intentional during the day. Plant the seeds you want to harvest in spring, summer. This time is for you to reflect, nourish and gather energy for the next cycle starting on the 21. December. 



More on Patrick Hamilton Walsh:


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