
#015 Morten Femhøj - You Decide

Morten Femhoj, You Decide

“We all have it in us. Believe in yourself.” 


Business Coach in Struer where he has lived most of his life, that loves to play with text and words. 

  • Humorous
  • No BS
  • Straight forward

“I think I make a difference in the life of people.“ When they leave the office many have more confidence in their abilities and chance to find a job.


He would be the Shiny Bright Black in the colour box. 

Bright and shiny because he wants to be seen and standing out. Being different. Black for being grounded and down to earth when needed. Sometimes you need to be funny and high up and other times down to earth.


Morten could never imagine to work as a business coach but life has funny ways. He started his first job in a travel agency after leaving school with a language degree in Danish, English and Spanish. During that time he added Swedish, Norwegian and German to his skill set and selling. After several sales jobs Morten ended up working for the city hall helping as job consultant. Because he realised that what drives him is to help people. 

Now that he works for a private job coaching company he has more freedom in how to help. He loves to be able to use a different approach to help unemployed people to feel good about themselves and believe again that they’ll find a job. 



Creativity is to create something new for yourself and the people you present your idea.


When is he mostly creative?

When he has to focus.

Listening to people helps him to focus. Then creative solutions come up, the Ideas just start flowing and he sees the customers strengths and how they can differentiate themselves from others. The intensity of the creative flow depends on the person that he works or discusses with. A blocked and closed person makes it harder for him, where about an open person that seeks change is feeding him to get really creative.


Privately he is very creative when telling stories to the kids. So far Morten has only written two stories; One for at that time 14 year old step son and 9 year old step daughter. He enjoys creating stories for kids from 6-10 years of age much more as there are less rules and more is possible. You can fantasise more.


When he tells the stories to the kids he is able to adjust according to their reaction. That might be a reason that he is not been writing down the stories so far. 


The biggest obstacles when working with customers and creativity.

In his field of work everyone is creative but not everyone is good in writing a CV. Some are good in writing and others in creating a visual CV, where others have good ideas but need help to get started. 

He enjoys helping all of them. And sometimes the smallest thing can make a big difference in ones perspective of things. 


One thing many people struggle with in Vestjylland is the Janteloven, Law of Jante. Many Danes life accordingly and are somewhat unconsciously guided by it. 

This hinders many a person to highlight what they are good in when searching for a new job. They don't dare to stand out. And that is where Morten loves to provoke. 

Here are the 10 Rules:

  1. You're not to think you are anything special.
  2. You're not to think you are as good as we are.
  3. You're not to think you are smarter than we are.
  4. You're not to imagine yourself better than we are.
  5. You're not to think you know more than we do.
  6. You're not to think you are more important than we are.
  7. You're not to think you are good at anything.
  8. You're not to laugh at us.
  9. You're not to think anyone cares about you.
  10. You're not to think you can teach us anything.




"It is better to be remembered negatively than not at all! Be yourself and don't think too much of what the person reading your CV thinks of you. Be yourself. "



“You decide”

Morten shares his aunts story who always said “I decide” and didn’t listen to people around her. She was sick and handicapped all her life but pushed through it. 

Even her licence plate said “kan selv” - I can do it myself


Call for action:

We all have it in us. Believe in yourself. 

You know when you are on the right path. Your body will tell you. You straighten up and your face will light up.



Morten on LinkedIn:


Janteloven: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_Jante

The book we talked about. "Organisatorisk Medlemskab" by Maja Loua Haslebo 

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