
#016 Marta Rodriguez-Karpowicz - Conscious healing improves creativity

In this episode I had the pleasure to interview Marta Rodriguez-Karpowicz


Marta is a human being. She  wants to help other people to become their best version of themselves. She is a conscious healer and personal coach, a podcast host and mother of three boys. Marta has the gift to see people for who they are and see their strengths and potential. She feels deeply and wants to help humanity to achieve those potentials. 

I met Marta many years ago during my exchange semester in Odense Denmark and reconnected with her after listening to their podcast “The 5 Options”. 

I am very grateful to Marta’s helping personality to have reached new spiritual levels, starting my podcast you are currently listening to and growing my network to include amazing people. 


During this interview Marta reveals her secret that she is writing her first book “Becoming a lighthouse.”. She lets us in in the story how she suddenly had the vision and idea of writing this book. And how fast everything came to be. It was all there, first she started drawing and then she heard the title of the book and new what it meant. That’s how powerful intuition can be.

Marta was also one of the persons believing that she is not creative, only to realise that when you open to your heart and let the energy flow that we all have creative powers. Now Marta considers herself creative. What a nice story :D


Marta and Anna have started a successful podcast from the bedroom, recording some episodes from underneath the bedsheet so no one hears the boys shouting. The podcast went through many changes since then and after more than 2 years both are still happy and energised doing more episodes. 


With the Podcast came the conscious healing path and coaching for Marta which has led to her leaving her corporate job and lives now almost like a hippy. She is more really herself and so much more happy and creative. 


3 things she sees about herself:

  • See potential in people. In about 3-5min she can see the strengths and what persons are capable off
    • She was always good in teams to put the right people for the right action
  • Real deep profound ability to listen. Joy and honour
  • Can make almost anything happen. She is a doer


Her Colours are:

  • Red / Turquoise at the same time
  • Red is the natural colour of fire. As a highly energised person that loves making things happen this comes naturally. 
  • Her sign is the LEO which has fire as an element too. 
  • Turquoise is the colour that showed up during her journey. It represents her intuitive calm side. 


A Secret not many know of yet:

Marta started one month ago writing a book. She just started writing on it. “Becoming a lighthouse”. Now one month later she has already 100 pages and they came fairly easy.  

For someone that belived not to be creative until now this is quite a change. This is a proof that she is a creative person after all. 

How did it happen? She has been on a spiritual retread with a lot of personal work. A very intensive course with a lot of learning. She was on the way to her family that stayed in Poland. At the airport while waiting for her flight, Marta started writing down the next things she wanted to do and implement when she suddenly started sketching a lighthouse, even though she is not drawing normally. Then more and more she heard the phrase “Becoming a lighthouse”. During the flight she laid out the chapters and knew where to go. 

She knew emidiately what the lighthouse stood for. She has been giving a lot of energy for her coaching and conscious healing sessions and being a mother. She realised she needs to keep some energy for herself and can’t give everything freely. She wants to be a lighthouse that attracts people to come to her in need. That way she can share the overflow of energy with the ones that need it and seek for it. 

The deep motivation to finish the book is that she wants to leave something spiritual behind for her children and perhaps their children. She wished she would have something like that from her father, something showing what he was fascinated with. 

The book will be part memoire, part self help book and children book with illustrations. It should be fun and entertaining. 


Why doing a Podcast?

Anna and Marta wanted to make a difference and created therefore the Podcast “The 5 Options” to help people with different advice. 5 Tips to stop drinking socially, 5 ways to break up, and so on. The podcast grew fast and they could move out from the bedroom (and recording under the covers :-) ) and got a place at the ungdoms radio in Aarhus after 6months. Another 6 months later “The 5 Options” extended to be a Tv program. The most important is that after 2 years both are still very motivated continuing with their podcast.



Ability to create something. Produce something and bring change to live.

Everyone has access to creativity. We can all tap into the source of inspiration but many have problems to use that inspiration to create.


INSPIRATION vs. CREATIVE: Having ideas versus bringing those ideas to live.


Many struggle to bring ideas to live. 

One reason is that it can become overwhelming to have so many ideas; it can feel like one needs to choose one of the children and let the others die, or it could feel like cheating on the other ideas.

The second reason is fear. 

  • Fear of failure is the most common
  • Fear of success is probably the most overseen for people with high potential
  • Fear of not seeing the idea to finish. This can make you feel that you failed yourself.


The fear of not finishing the ideas can lead to you start holding yourself back on doing anything. This becomes your belief that you always start but never finish anything. So why even start something new?!

Those fears can lead to procrastination, and when the root cause is not healed it’s hard to get out of it.


When is Marta mostly creative? What is her method?

She has been taking conscious healing session for 2 years with Synthia that helped to connect with herself. The more she learned about herself, her believes, judgments and fears the more she was able to connect to herself. The more she worked with herself, the easier it became to be intuitive and creative. Understanding and listening to oneself opens the creativity and releases blocked energies that can be used to achieve more. 


We all have talents but if we want to master the skills we need the willingness to practice and put in the energy. Otherwise we will never become a master.


Her Motivation to coach, conscious healing, podcast or now writing a book is deep. Marta has the gift to see the potential in people and how far they could get, but somehow stand in their own way. She wants to help them to achieve it all and enjoy life more. That is where Marta has placed her program to help and heal people that are stuck with procrastination. Her program is put on 3 legs.


  1. Healing procrastination. Heal the wounds and go deep to the areas where wounds were created. Not only symptom treatment but deeper.
  2. Rewiring your brain. You created habits that are not serving anymore.. Change those habits to ones that serve you.
  3. Actual Coaching to stay focused on what they want to achieve. Follow ups to complete those things and create the trust that you follow through from idea to finishing. And be able to choose the right things to do. Having a talent is one thing, to master the skill is another thing. You need to have a willingness to practice continuously to become better. 



“Find your source of inspiration inside yourself.”This could be the source of love, wisdom or the wish to look for the next thing to do. 

It is important that you are changing from an external feed to the internally feed of energy. 

The best advice she got and wants to give on came to her in many layers through her life. The first time she might have just heard it and not thought much about it. The next time it sounded vaguely interesting, from there to A-ha, and eventually oh I get it that makes sense.


Call for Action:

Start spend time with yourself. Avoid the escaping strategy such as being surrounded by people, surfing on the internet, FB, Netflix, or even reading books is escaping oneself. 

You need to be able to recognise your voice. You can start doing so by writing, going for a walk in the forest, at the beach in silence without any external sources (no music or podcast) or you could meditate in silence. Start with 5min everyday. When doing that for 365 days that starts to accumulate.

1 hour is a threshold and it feels unrealistic for many people, but if you could do it then it’s a good investment in yourself. 



“Reach Far More”: 

Webside: https://www.reachfarmore.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/reachfarmore/

“The 5 Options” https://www.the5options.com/podcast-1

3 books from Marta. 

  • Operah Winfrey - “What I know for sure “
  • Mark Manson - “The Subtle Art of not Giving a F*ck”
  • Joe Dispenza Books on Neurosience and Emotions. e.g. “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself.”

Marta’s blog post on talking danish

Podcast Episodes on “The 5 Option Show” we talked about:

Cynthia Lamp Marta’s conscious healer. 



Morten Bonde on Meditation and Stress, brainwaves and grounding as preparation for meditation. 


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