
#022 - Anja Matulewska - Creative Calling

Hi my dear followers.


Today you get the chance to listen in to my conversation with Anja Matulewska. She was a multi talented and creative kid; playing flute, guitar, compose her own songs, dance, paint and sew her own things. As her mom she thought that she would become a designer but she went for a BSc in marketing and after her degree she was confused as she didn’t do what she felt was right for her. That brought her then back to a more creative field with a MSc degree in Design Management. For her MSc thesis she learned and applied Design Thinking and could feel that this is the right path. Since then she has facilitated all phases of the innovation process, from early start to implementation and evaluation using Design Thinking and Design Sprints. Worked for small businesses big companies and in her own innovation consultancy. 


Anja is very open about her path of coming back to creativity and how she lost it. 

The secret not many know of her is her spiritual side. The Art Therapy she did and how it helped her to find more stability in life. This experience combined with her work and Design Thinking brought her to interview 15 women on their feelings and thoughts about creativity.


Her personal project: Kreativ Kompas

About a month before our interview Anja started her creative community after doing research on why and how people are or are not creative.  

This motivated her to start a creative community that meets once a month for 6 months to become more creative.


Call for Action:

1) Make it a habit to be creative. Paint, play music, dance, sing

Make a fixed appointment with creativity in your calendar. E.g. Every Monday from 19:00-20:00

Like going to the gym, cook or shopping. 

The Start is hard but it will get easier the more you do it and then it is a habit. Before you know you’ll enjoy it and look forward to your creative appointment

2) Morning pages: First thing when you wake up start writing down your Feelings. 

Evening: Create a Gratitude list. That way you keep a positive mindset when you go sleeping and waking up.  


Links to Anja:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/kreativtkompas

Instagram: www.instagram.com/kreativKompas/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anja-matulewska/


People Mentioned:

Oprah Winfrey - “Super Soul Podcast” www.supersoul.tv/



- Elizabeth Gilbert - “Big Magic” www.elizabethgilbert.com/books/big-magic/

This books combines spirituality with creativity

- Julia Cameron - “The Artist’s Way” www.elizabethgilbert.com/books/big-magic/





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