
#023 - Sam Lister - Try and fail in many things to grow and find your path

Sam Lister


3 Things about Sam:

- Outdoors, Snowboard, bike, Adventure and active

- Video create, LinkedIN Instagram and TikTak

- Snowboarding in winter with jumps and tricks; during summer longboard cruising



- Mint green. 07E8B7

The colour came up when he asked a friend to help him rebrand. Sam wanted something in green, blue or teal. And then this special green came up which he liked as it reminded him of his track bike from school times.


He couldn’t think of a special secret as he is putting out a lot of content on the social media all the time. While doing so he tries to stay as vulnerable and open as he can be. 


Life-Life Balance is his theme. He said that we all spend so much time at work that it is a big part of our life. So it better be something we enjoy and we love to do. 


For Sam to become self-employed was normal. His father is self employed and has always encouraged him to go his own way. Do what he loves. He started with cutting gras in the neighbourhood to earn an extra bug and at the age of 14 he started as Pizza cook at The Rock Sport Complex where he over the next 4 years climbed to be manager of 2-7 others for the Ball Park in Summer and Snow Park during winter season. 


During the last year of his school he experimented with video and uploaded that one on LinkedIn. For Sam speaking alone onto the iPhone camera was a tough thing, even though he was very comfortable to talk to 1000+ people at school as a MC. Doing these videos on a daily basis made him more comfortable creating the video content which lead to a customer that hired hime for 3 months. Only 4 months after the first video he bought himself an entry level DSLR camera. 

As the Universe wanted did it only take one day and Sam walked into a small business owner that was looking for a Videographer for his Party in 3 days. So Sam said yes and consumed about 25hrs of YouTube content on videography. He didn’t know yet how to use a camera on manual. 

The video turned out to be great and he got more jobs from that gig. 


Sam looks at his success as a combination of showing up to networking events and building his network and trying out new things. He says failing so many time in such a short time has taught him a lot and brought him were he is. 



Everyone is creative. Sam’s creative strength is to talk. 

To be creative one has to be comfortable in failing while trying to create something new. It is a problem solving ability.

Test, fail, try again… And repeat. 

To be truly creative you need to get out of your comfort zone. 


His hated sales but knew that he needed to improve it. After getting out of his comfort zone and trying and trying he got used to it and now loves it. 


How does he get into the creative flow, zone:

A friend of his has helped him to use a technique called “Body Anchoring” to create certain body anchors for different feelings. 

Touching his left knuckles puts him in a creative flow.

The right knuckles is for focus  and pulling on the left ear is to be in a good mood. 

This technique can be used for all kinds of feelings. It is not easy to do alone without experience but the basics are that you need to go into a memory where you were very focused, happy, creative, etc and then anchor those feelings to a body part.


Sam also uses music, light, thoughts besides Body Anchoring to get into the creative flow when he has a project. It won’t always work but mostly. 


His jobs can be very different in demand on his creativity. Some jobs are shot on the go such as events and then cut together after all the material is shot. Or if you have a high profile interview then everything needs to be planned out upfront. 


A special project he is quite happy about was the work he just finished before the interview. It was with the True School. A school that is helping kids with creative skills, music, video, rapping and more and investigates through creativity for the future generations a project that Sam really supports. 



He has a morning routine and not much of an evening routine.

Sam does for some time Yoga, meditation, gratitude journaling, goal setting, manifestation and creative visualisation. He got into meditation through a instagram friend and has since then increased his friend circle with more people that do this things. By being surrounded with like minded people doing such morning routines become normal. 

Another routine is to go out every day for a walk and getting fresh air and meditate 2 times a day. 


The last time he tried something new was on April 7th 2020. Due to Covid-19 Sam decided to offer a new online service for cutting videos for other entrepreneurs. Help them to cut the videos into short content for LinkedIn, TikTak, Instagram and so on. It was hard for him as he didn’t like the outbound sales part. Mostly out of fear what people might think. 

Yet he learned that he has a good product and is proud of it and therefore he has nothing to fear. 



Test and fail more. Spend money on yourself. This is an investment in your growth and it will cost but you’ll grow. 

Sam for examples used all the money he earned and invested it into his growth and now his company. 

- Do something everyday. Momentum is everything.

- Don’t try 12 things in the same time. Focus on ONE thing. Go for it with all you have

- Don’t hire too fast.


Call for action:

Go and do something that is uncomfortable for you. 



Gary Keller - The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results”

Donald Miller - Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen”


You find Sam:

LinkedIN: www.linkedin.com/in/sam-lister/

Instagram: www.instagram.com/samlister__/

TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@samlister__?lang=en

FB: www.facebook.com/samlister414

Webpage: www.blnkslatemedia.com/

Phone: +1 414-254-8038


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