
#035 - Alex Ivanov - Creating a MindMap for creative problem solving

This is Episode 035 from "The Oliver Schirach Show" and today we have an experiment going on. It's the first time I have someone explaining a tool on my show live.

Alex goes on to explain how he uses Mindmaps for creative problem solving. Specifically to explain how he prepares for a speaking a few days from now.

We learn on how to avoid the big pitfalls of Mindmaps and what tools we can use. On the computer, smartphone or on paper


Products/SW mentioned:

- Mindomo

- Mindly

- Rocketbook Wave Smart Reusable Smart Notebook

- Mind mapping Master by Barry Mapp on Udemy


Link to the talk is featured on Alex Ivanov's Facebook page.

- https://www.facebook.com/AlexIvanovDOORS/


Link to our First Episode talking about writing a book:

-  https://anchor.fm/schirach/episodes/032---Alex-Ivanov---Produce-Publish-Promote---7-steps-to-publish-a-book-eeit1p


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