
#046 - Kaedrich Olsen - Black mirror, shadow work & other fun stories

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For this second episode we got deeper into what is the difference between mysticism, spirituality and religion. How those three are connected to each other, one layer on top of the other. From the place of peace, connection to the esoteric and regular practices until we reach the level of deep knowledge and understanding of things and the creation of new practices, prayer, symbols. 


Black mirror and memorable experiences

  • It is basically a frame with a black painted glass
  • Only use it in connection with a ceremony. Create a ritual space. That way you help create the shift of your mind when you want it and not by accident when you might draw the wrong entities to you.
  • You attract what you expect. When being in a higher state of mind you will get a better experience. When going into the session with fear you’ll see fearful things.
  • Similarities attract and perpetuate
  • When crossing over to the “other side” during a ceremony ask yourself 
    1. What do you believe is there 
    2. What do you feel that you deserve to have
    3. What do you wish for on the other side
  • Prepare for each ceremony, no matter what. Emotional & Mindset state
How to prepare for any kind of meditation, ceremony to get the best out of it.
  • Imagine walls around you turn solid, that nothing can penetrate the walls, ceiling or floors.
  • Remember a time when you were in presence of sacredness, love and joy. Fill your body with that feeling and expand it so it fills all your body, now let it spread out of the body and into the room and fill up the space with the sacred, high vibrations and light.
  • Bonus: Imagine that dark entities are being pushed away. If you feel any dark entity, laugh at or about it, feel awe & wonder for it. They don’t like that kind of attention or appreciation.
  • Whenever you let go of the positive feeling and get startled or afraid; laugh and find the sacred space again. By reconnecting yourself to the positive feeling you will attract more positive things.


Shadow work what is it and how to find someone to work with in a safe way.

  • Shadows are not only negative emotions and feelings holding us back
  • Shadow is an unwanted behaviour, emotion or belief that can is destructive or distractive. E.g. being super polite all the time, or saying yes to everything instead of doing your things first can also be a shadow
  • Find a feeling you want to work with. Sink in the feeling, emotion for a moment
  • Ask: “Where did I learn to feel this way? The first moment I felt like that? What from and how has this emotion been protecting me?”
  • This often helps already to clear the shadow up. You bring light and attention to the part that you didn’t want to accept before. By that you start to understand more why you feel this way.


Dark Night of the Soul. “Soul is not happy with were your life is.” The soul is making the current life chaotic and difficult. Creates the urge to change. 


Experiences with the supernatural

His story going down a “hunted” path with a TV team where shadow people are lurking around.

And a memorable ceremony was when Kaedrich prepared the participants on how it feels having a negative entity in the room during the ceremony. All of them could feel a snake like energy swirling around the floor. One of the participants mentioned a broken shoe the next day. 


Other things we talked about:

  • Spirit is whatever your mindset is
  • What woods and products he uses and burns for ceremonies. E.g Cedar-wood, sandalwood, palo santo
  • How to figure out if we are in the presence of the ghost, negative entity or not. 99% of the time the phenomena can be explained with rational causes. Such as bad and loose electric cable wiring can create negative ions, which have been shown to create a creepy feeling.
  • Practice to stay in a higher elevated state
  • When you are vibrating in a higher frequency it is like you are entering a new reality.
  • Working out with focus
  • Kaedrich’s webpage and his guided meditation to connect with your higher self, clear negativities and more.









Register for training: kaedrich.com/3-shifts



  • Kaedrich Olsen - “Runes for transformation”


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