Max wants to help people to be happy and reach their full potential and with his three Life Guides, framework, programs and coaching he can do that.
Max is Chinese and moved to the US when he was 10years old with his 2 sisters and mother. Their Dad died when he was 7 and his mom worked all the time to support the family which left the 3 kids to handle themselves alone. Spending his time watching TV and computer games did not help him to build social skills. They moved to the US when Max was 10years old and his mom got married in Florida. Max did not finish his college even though he had great he was not motivated and laking guidance and direction in life. After some time he got a job through his brother and started working for a SW company. He moved with the company to new states and new positions whenever the company was acquired by a bigger one. Eventually he was working as a Software engineer, which suited his very logical, goal and facts based person with little emotional intelligence.
For Max being more productive and efficient was a big part of his life. A blog post from the former LinkedIN CEO (Jeff Weiner) made him think about emotional intelligence and how that is linked to productivity.
The lack of a specific direction, no strong feelings about anything and living life according to logic led him to depression and suicide thoughts. He followed the logic path of life; Finish school, go to work, earn money and pay your bills. This caused eventually a lot of problems with people, as people are not logic. He started getting into arguments on a regular basis with his coworkers, and all the time with his wife.
Those experiences and insights led Max to work on his Life Guides on how to be more productive in 2016. With daily iterations and adjustments he was able in 2020 to have his first workable four step framework. A another pivotal point to complete his guide was his realisation that happiness is directly linked to productivity and vice versa.
Colour: Red is his favourite colour. It represents love, passion, strong emotions, speed and fire. He had always fire inside himself but didn’t show it on the outside. He was not being himself and over time he got depressed and had suicide thoughts.
We talked about:
- His story, spending time in front of TV and Computer
- No social guidance as kid and young adult
- Getting married and feeling good for a while
- Working as a SW engineer, and management style
- Living a life according logic and not emotional intelligence
- Not having a passion, direction where to go in life and getting depressed and suicide thoughts
- Everyday feeling like the day before, no drive
- Not knowing how to be happy
- Reoccurring issues wherever he was. Conflicts at work and with his wife and family
- Lack of emotional intelligence, how he realised and his path to learn EI
- How a blog post on LinkedIN on empathy and efficiency changed his life
- Learning about empathy and how to manage the sudden overflow of emotions and how to avoid too close yourself off again
- Focus on productivity & living a great life, and the realisation that productivity and happiness are interlinked
- Productivity & Happiness are not the same but close related
- Happiness enables productivity
- 2 years of iterating to find 4 steps for his “Life Guide” to create a great life
- His children as an inspiration for his Life Guide
- Dedication to good sleep to have a happier life
- Becoming super productive with more sleep and happier se
- Meditation, 3 different types. How meditation can improve your life.
- His work and progress on the company “Human Prosperity”
- His 3 Guides: The Apps, Documents, Framework, Coaching etc
Something you try and experiment with different things. Don’t hold yourself back by fear of what others think of your ideas. E.g. ridicule, failure.
Your brain has always ideas. Write them down, share them and take action on some ideas.
Max gets his ideas when he is walking. While moving we are 60% more creatives and productive with our thoughts.
You can learn the skills of idea generation and creativity. Edward De Bono has good books to teach you.
An example:
Randomly pick a word to solve a problem at hand. Find three words and think how those could solve your problem.
- Invest in yourself. Max would have advised himself to find a coach before going to college. Without someone to guide you, you can easily get lost.
- Don’t try to help everyone. No one listens. Specialise in a niche
- Believe in yourself. Applaud yourself. Being exited every day means you are growing. You want to fail many times. That way you learn much more.
- “Unshackle your chains by starting to really love yourself”
The Life Guides:
1. -- A framework with 4 steps to be happy every day, 4 steps to be productive, and 3 common values to ensure the prosperity of humanity.
2. -- 35+ skills, techniques, and tips to double your happiness and productivity
3. -- A step-by-step guide that combines everything from the other two guides to take you on a path to become a genius in life.
Max is Coaching in 5 areas/layers:
Career advancement (practical things how to get promoted, find a new job)
Dream planning (What do you want to accomplish in life)
Become a Genius (how to use the 4 first layers together to create an amazing life)
4 Things to be happy copied from Kids:
- Sleep well to be happy, healthy and productive
- Letting go of things. Don’t hold on to what doesn’t serve to you in this moment
- Enjoy whatever you do and life in the now (Don’t dwell in the past or future)
- Nurture and drive with positivity. Focus on what makes you happy and do more of that
Edward De Bono - “Lateral Thinking: Creativity Step by Step”
Jim Kwik - “Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life”
Daniel Goleman - “Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ“
LinkedIn Max Zheng
1. Life guides and services at
2. Book a free coaching session at
3. Take the path to become a genius in life at
And if you want to be a guest on my show to share your life story, book a time at :)LinkedIN Podcast “Human Prosperity”
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