
#039 - Mandi Morgan - A healthy brain sounds like a symphony

Hi everyone and welcome to the 2nd interview with Mandi.

In this interview we find out that Mandi’s favourite animal is the cow. We also find out why. We also got to talk about my experience with walking with cows a few weeks back.


We talk about the visions Mandi had for 2020 when she was younger. The war she saw and felt and knowing that she and her kids are prepared for it. 

How she healed her heart with healing visualisation. 

How laughing can heal.

How her energies when really exited or down can disturb lights and computers.

Awakening of human kind from materialistic world view to a bigger understanding of energies.


Most of today’s talk focused on the brain waves and the EEG. Mandi learned how to treat brains with the EEG treatment developed by Lee Guardas and worked with it in 2012/13. She also used it herself for 10 sessions and explains how it can help you to hear your own brain and by that heal itself. A sick or broken brain sounds to yourself like a broken record, and when done with the treatment your brain waves start sounding like a symphony. 


Enjoy and jump in





www.Cereset.com - Neuro-technology, Lee Gerdes, Founder & CEO; Brain State Technologies (BST) first acoustic brain mirroring process, Brainwave Optimization (BWO) and BrainEcho


Listen to the first episode 

Oliver walking with cows 


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