Artikel mit dem Tag "Health"

#055 C Jon Sawyer - From "Your heart is the key" to "facing panic attacks"
Podcast Episodes · 10. März 2021
Dear network welcome another guest for my #Podcast #TheOliverSchirachShow. This time it is C. Jon Sawyer founder of #EarthBornDesign and published author (The Lost Alchemist). He was born and raised in Australia and lives now in the US. We started slowly but then when we warmed up we got more into the depth. We got to talk why he changed his name, how he learned how to handle his panic attacks by himself, his lucid dreaming experiences, why running barefoot brings him bliss...
#051 Govind Radhakrishnan - What is Ayurveda, life examples and application in modern times
Podcast Episodes · 04. Februar 2021
Welcome to the first interview for 2021. You’ll be listening to my conversation with Govind Radhakrishnan from India. We met her in Denmark and I visited one of his courses for Ayurveda and Yoga. His broad knowledge on that mater helped me to understand parts of myself better and got me more interested in the subject of holistic healing through Ayurveda teachings, herbs and more. Govind has many gifts to help people heal their physical, emotional and spiritual wounds and this interview is ...

Podcast Episodes · 02. November 2020
Duncan Swatton was born in the UK and moved at the age of 16 to Antigua in the Caribbean. His life was not easy and when his best friend took his life he realised that he needs to change something. His sister Zoe presented him the solution and now he is the Co-Owner of Intuitive Fitness & Intuitive Sport with his sister and helps change the live from customers around the world. He describes himself as: Fun, Carrying and coaching...
Podcast Episodes · 08. Oktober 2020
Dr. Madelaine Gomes is an Executive and Empowerment Coach and Teacher with the program - Activate your “I AM” POSSIBLE, stepping into your Greatness! This 7 week program is focused on unleashing Human Potential through Self Actualisation and combines Human Science, Mindset Conditioning, Spirituality and Business to truly take you to the next level!
She is on a Mission to help Executives to activate their "I AM" POSSIBLE, go within and create the success you want from your deepest beliefs that...

Podcast Episodes · 20. August 2020
Jason Holzer is a Best Selling Author, Post-Traumatic Growth Storyteller/Speaker, Certified Thought Coach and Basketball Coach. He uses the life lessons learned after his father passed away by suicide to inspire others that they too can overcome tragedy. 3 words describing him: Resilience, Calm demeanour, keeping a calm perspective; Good sense of Humour. Likes to laugh with a positive attitude. What can I learn from a bad day to make tomorrow better. Colour: Avocado Green. Super food, goo
Podcast Episodes · 30. Juli 2020
Hi Network, Our somer holidays are over and I had the pleasure to have another interview with Mandi Morgan. I had actually 3 interviews in 24h so stay tuned for them to come out. This time Mandi shared more of her stories and secrets. Such as why there is a cow behind her and what her spiritual awakening has shown her about 2020 and Covid. We talked about her near future and the travel to Dubai as well her time when she worked with EEG's and Neuro-training. How a broken brain sounds like a brok

Podcast Episodes · 24. Juni 2020
Mandi Morgan is a compassionate and loving person that helps deaf people as a teacher and interpreter and dreams of cleaning the ocean. We met through a Mindvalley class where Mandi shared her great and unbelievable story with us. Mandi got interested in sign language as a 4 year old and has been teaching for 20+ years. The deeper story that connected us was her near life-death experience 28 years ago. she didn’t feel well
Podcast Episodes · 17. Juni 2019
I had the pleasure to interview Krishna (Radhakrishna Jamadagni) from AiSteth. An acoustics device that can screen, detect & predict heart disorders using state-of-the-art signal processing and AI capabilities. He is a Doctor by profession and has been involved in 3-4 start-ups so far. We talk about his latest start-up AiSteth ( He came up with the idea after a cousin was saved by a very experienced doctor that could identify the real problem before it was too late...