
#044 - Kaedrich Olsen - Runes, Hidden Folks & Spiritual Awakening

I found Kaedrich Olsen through a show on the Gaia platform, where he presented his knowledge of norse runes, goldering, Vikings and gods, mysticism, paranormal experiences, shadow work and general work for the pagan men. His path and the passion to help people reach higher spiritual states.


His three words to describe himself:

  • Mystic. Mystics get to the underlying cause on what the religions are build on.
  • Hierophant from the Taro card. The teacher of the secrets, the revealer of the occult. Spiritual teacher.
  • Complicated, he definitely is not a simple person. He enjoys his multiple facets.

Colour: He saw colours that are difficult to describe during his work with the black mirror. The closest would be: Blue-Purple-Indigo, a colour that the physical eye can’t perceive but the third eye, the clairvoyant part of you can see it.

It’s a different colour that could be explained by the chakra system were we start with a red at the root chakra to a purple, white for the crown. After that the colours restart again with a new kind of red. These new colours in our higher chakras are in a higher vibration, resonance of the colour wheel. Not perceptible to the eye but to higher parts of our being. Kaedrich’s goal is to stay at a higher level of being to be a more positive influence to his surrounding and hence helping out people to raise to a higher state themselves.


Secret/ Fun fact: He is known as this dark gothic person, but he still enjoys the movie Xanadu. A cheesy 70’s musical with roller-skating night club. The main character is an artist and finds a muse that motivates him to pursue his art in a more mystical way. Not surprisingly the music is definitely not his stile.


His Music style:  Scandinavian Folk music singing about gods and runes. His own rune music.


His story:

He grew up in a household with a wide book collection with witchcraft and spiritual teachings, and parents that allowed him to dig deeper and experiment with it. 

As a kid he found the book. “Secret Teachings of all ages” Manley P Hall.

All the different teachings said the same thing, and so he chose one direction towards runes and Norsk traditions.

Mean time the house he lift in was haunted. Things disappeared for days, TV dials turning physically, footsteps down the hall, lights turn on and off.

He had no doubt about the paranormal, ghost and spirits. He had whispers teaching him.

A mystical and magical childhood.

At the age of 7 Years old he stayed for the first and last time at grandma’s place. Watching “The Exorcist” looking like a ghost for 3 days. This experience made him hipper consciously aware about what were his thoughts and other thoughts come from. That put him more on a path to learn about energy work. 


We talked about:

  • Siblings 7 & 13 years older
  • Spirituality of his siblings
  • Weegie board, Black Mirror and other supernatural tools
  • His curiosity about witchcraft, spirituality, paranormal and mystics
  • “Spiritual and physical beings having a dynamic experience”
  • Work from Hameroff and Penrose in the 60s Quantum Energy, Microtubules of our nervous system with neurones, and quantum processing, Matrix = Soul the spirit
  • Science that backs up spirituality, soul and energetic existence, consciousness
  • Energy can’t be destroyed or created
  • Creating conscious entities, thought forms, spirits outside our bodies with our emotions and our will. (A reflection of our emotional state)
  • Through collective will and energy we can create an Egregore, with supernatural powerful abilities
  • Every emotion can create an entity. Positive as negative ones
  • Beings that get attached to yourself, there must be an agreement on an emotional level
  • Detaching entities. Now it can float around and find someone else with the same vibration to feed off.
  • His experience with entities he created
  • The natural world has it’s own energy and consciousness to itself
  • Hidden folks. Nature created. Stones, rock formation that know what to do
  • How to see the Hidden Folks on the water. Where the water is still in the middle of the moving water, no ripples. You can see the effects on the water but not see the being.
  • Islandic people are firm believers about hidden folks. They will move the road around a hill were those nature folks might life.
  • Moving stones or other natural things in your garden. Now suddenly weird things happen. You could have disturbed one of the hidden folks 
  • Improve the relationship with the hidden folk, gratitude and understanding for them. Share oat meal, whiskey, beer or milk.
  • Memorable experiences with spirituality and mysticism 
  • The Material world. Cause and Effect. “Seeing is believing“ for many. If you start believing you start seeing more
  • You can learn to see more but you can also shut it off
  • Ektoplasm pictures, table tipping, flying stones and his experience with it
  • Suppressed emotions that can result in paranormal events or poltergeist effects. 
  • Poltergeist Effect (no easy spirit or ghost), doesn’t necessary need to be a ghost, it can be create by a person, mostly adolescent that can’t express their emotions, hence they’ll express them in another way such as stuttering or paranormal events. The emotions need an outlet. Screaming, shaking and similar are healthy. 
  • You can get addicted to the stress in your body
  • Runes are the written language of the Proto-Norse and old Norse languages. You can get a PHD in Runalogy. 
  • 1000s of Artefacts in Europe and Russia
  • Runes, goldering
  • Runes have a meaning and a sound to them, they are a reflection of the natural world
  • Why runes were written with straight lines
  • Feho: Kettle used to be a sign of richness. Now it’s used for the value that you give to the world. Could also be money and other values 
  • Runes application in your daily life
  • Meditation with runes 
  • Anzus: Conversations. Throat sound “Aaaah”: how do you become aware and teach
  • Eeza: Helping to destress. Buddha “0” state of mind, stillness. On top of your head. EE sound. You are in stillness
  • Othala: Connected to your belly button. Home, legacy, presence in the world. How you bring yourself to the world and how you are seen.
  • Staked, bound runes for more magical purposes
  • 9 the sacred number, like a divine order and divine connection, sense of completion of wholeness
  • 12 the number of natural resonance
  • Kaedrich’s tattoos
  • His own rune music,
  • and his upcoming meditation webpage and albums

Call to Action:

For 9 days in a row. 9 repetitions of the Ee, Ah, Oh meditation. First thing in the morning, afternoon and before going to bed. 

You can get more information when connecting with Kaedrich and do his online class.








Register for training: kaedrich.com/3-shifts




  • Kaedrich Olsen - “Runes for transformation”
  • Manley P Hall - “Secret Teachings of all ages”
  • Neil Gaiman - “American Gods”
  • Jowar Mecozzi - “Spiritual anatomy in motion” 
  • Sir Roger Penrose & Dr. Suart Hameroff - “Consciousness Chronicles, “

Mentioned Music:

Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth, Glutenguld, Alu Whitey, Turs Ooz, Runahild, Gjeldrune, Dimmu Borgir, Blutengel, Eluveitie, Amon Amarth, Turisaz, Heilung, Nyttland, Wardruna, Runahild, Gealdyr


Spotify Link “Northern Spirits” open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DWXhcuQw7KIeM?si=0kS6NCv0TayYdTHf5LtsQw

More interviews with Kaedrich



Extra Explanation on things we talked about:

hierophant (Ancient Greek: ἱεροφάντης) is a person who brings religious congregants into the presence of that which is deemed holy. As such, a hierophant is an interpreter of sacred mysteries and arcane principles.


HIEROPHANY (from Greek hiero-, "sacred," and phainein, "to show") is a term designating the manifestation of the sacred. The term involves no further specification. Herein lies its advantage: It refers to any manifestation of the sacred in whatever object throughout history.


Egregore is an occult concept representing a distinct non-physical entity that arises from a collective group of people. 


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