Artikel mit dem Tag "English"

#055 C Jon Sawyer - From "Your heart is the key" to "facing panic attacks"
Podcast Episodes · 10. März 2021
Dear network welcome another guest for my #Podcast #TheOliverSchirachShow. This time it is C. Jon Sawyer founder of #EarthBornDesign and published author (The Lost Alchemist). He was born and raised in Australia and lives now in the US. We started slowly but then when we warmed up we got more into the depth. We got to talk why he changed his name, how he learned how to handle his panic attacks by himself, his lucid dreaming experiences, why running barefoot brings him bliss...
Podcast Episodes · 01. Dezember 2020
Welcome to the 2020 #ChristmasSpecial, #AdventCalendar During this #Xmas season we will be opening together a new #Podcast door every day from the 1. December - 24. December. A new guest that is presenting a book that has some special meaning to her or him. You'll learn about: Why this book is important What this book is about For whom the book could be On what media the guest is consuming books When and where the guest is reading and other fun facts.

Podcast Episodes · 08. November 2020
Today we get to listen to Neha Sonney a public speaker, coach, trainer specialised in relationship & intimacy coaching. Neha has shown me how anyone can heal, no matter how bad the situation or experiences are. I learned that traumas from our childhood or even our ancestors get stuck in our body if we don’t let them go; and how we can release them with body work. Learning to calm your mind, how to be in your body and find your authentic you, so you can express yourself fully and authentically.
Podcast Episodes · 02. November 2020
Duncan Swatton was born in the UK and moved at the age of 16 to Antigua in the Caribbean. His life was not easy and when his best friend took his life he realised that he needs to change something. His sister Zoe presented him the solution and now he is the Co-Owner of Intuitive Fitness & Intuitive Sport with his sister and helps change the live from customers around the world. He describes himself as: Fun, Carrying and coaching...

Podcast Episodes · 08. Oktober 2020
Dr. Madelaine Gomes is an Executive and Empowerment Coach and Teacher with the program - Activate your “I AM” POSSIBLE, stepping into your Greatness! This 7 week program is focused on unleashing Human Potential through Self Actualisation and combines Human Science, Mindset Conditioning, Spirituality and Business to truly take you to the next level!
She is on a Mission to help Executives to activate their "I AM" POSSIBLE, go within and create the success you want from your deepest beliefs that...
Podcast Episodes · 14. September 2020
Kaedrich Olsen known for: Norse runes, goldering, Vikings and gods, mysticism, paranormal experiences, shadow work and general work for the pagan men. His path and the passion to help people reach higher spiritual states. • Mystic get to the underlying cause on what the religions are build on • Hierophant from the Taro card. The teacher of the secrets, the revealer of the occult. A spiritual teacher. • Complicated, he definitely is not a simple person. With multiple facets.

Podcast Episodes · 20. August 2020
Jason Holzer is a Best Selling Author, Post-Traumatic Growth Storyteller/Speaker, Certified Thought Coach and Basketball Coach. He uses the life lessons learned after his father passed away by suicide to inspire others that they too can overcome tragedy. 3 words describing him: Resilience, Calm demeanour, keeping a calm perspective; Good sense of Humour. Likes to laugh with a positive attitude. What can I learn from a bad day to make tomorrow better. Colour: Avocado Green. Super food, goo
Podcast Episodes · 24. Juni 2020
Mandi Morgan is a compassionate and loving person that helps deaf people as a teacher and interpreter and dreams of cleaning the ocean. We met through a Mindvalley class where Mandi shared her great and unbelievable story with us. Mandi got interested in sign language as a 4 year old and has been teaching for 20+ years. The deeper story that connected us was her near life-death experience 28 years ago. she didn’t feel well

Podcast Episodes · 07. Juni 2020
For todays interview I got Jass Malaney a Leadership Coach & Keynote Speaker, on the microphone. We meet over LinkedIN and immediately had some good chat going on. With her 20 years of experience in Leadership coaching and keynote speaking she brings a lot to the table for anyone that wishes to grow. Describes herself as: • Inquisitive, loving to learn & looking at things in different perspectives • Reuse what she learns in different ways and combinations • Loves to travel...
Podcast Episodes · 26. Mai 2020
Alex is a published author, teacher on Udemy, public speaker, business coach and SW engineer. He used to be a shy SW engineer but has learned through reading, public speaking and coaching to overcome his shy personality. For the last 45 days he is changing his life and wants to bring more of his learnings to the world. To do so he is about to launch his new website and create more content on video and in book format and lately offering in person coaching to his portfolio. 3 Words to describe h

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