Artikel mit dem Tag "Start-up"

#058 Aidan O'Sullivan & Ashley Green "The Successful Mentalist" on having Big Hairy Audacious Goals
Podcast Episodes · 30. März 2021
Our third #Interview in the series with Aidan O'Sullivan The Wizard and his co-host/ friend Ashley Green M.M.C Mindreader. Two young mind-magicians finding their niche by combining business and magic entertainment, they are able to help magicians all around the world with their project “The Successful Mentalist”. By offering a podcast, blogging, courses, a private community, conventions, coaching, networking event, and continuous innovation in their field for the magician world. ...
#057 Ashley Green - There is always an opportunity to adapt and pivot at the moment
Podcast Episodes · 24. März 2021
Welcome to another episode of "The Oliver Schirach Show" the podcast where I combine creativity with mindfulness, spirituality and personal growth. Welcome to Ashley Green M.M.C the Mindreader. Describing himself as Weird, Optimistic and Adaptive. Co-host of "The Successful Mentalist" podcast, network, business coaching together with Aidan O'Sullivan. Ashley has been able to pivot his life in 2020 when other entertainers lost everything they had and made it his so far best year ever...

#056 Aidan O'Sullivan - Personal Growth, Creativity and Wizardry
Podcast Episodes · 16. März 2021
And another "The Oliver Schirach Show" episode is life. Strange, Growing, Fun that is how we start this podcast episode with Aidan O'Sullivan. This episode’s guest Aidan O’Sullivan is a podcast host, business-coach, mind-magician, mentalist, mindreader and a wizards . Or short @AidanTheWizard as you can find him on the social medias. Besides that he loves to learn and grow, reading books, taking classes and then bundle it all into his package to coach individuals and businesses with his ever ...
Podcast Episodes · 17. Juni 2019
I had the pleasure to interview Krishna (Radhakrishna Jamadagni) from AiSteth. An acoustics device that can screen, detect & predict heart disorders using state-of-the-art signal processing and AI capabilities. He is a Doctor by profession and has been involved in 3-4 start-ups so far. We talk about his latest start-up AiSteth ( He came up with the idea after a cousin was saved by a very experienced doctor that could identify the real problem before it was too late...

Podcast Episodes · 15. Mai 2019
It is a pleasure to publish this interview I have just come home from. Bojan the founder is very creative and well rounded as well as his employe Ziga. They are both interested and skilled in different things and complement each other at work. During this interview we covered what creativity and innovation means to them, how they are solving problems and apply creative and innovation thinking to do so. Bojan is very open to tell his story and where he comes from. More important ....
Podcast Episodes · 04. Mai 2019
Hi World. This is the first interview I conducted for my new Show. It was a pleasure to be able to interview an old friend from my time at EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne We met playing Basketball and have lost contact after I moved back to Basel and Denmark. Thanks to LinkedIN have we reconnected a few years back and when Martin co-founded his Innovation consultancy did we start talking about innovation and what happened in our lives. I am very...