Artikel mit dem Tag "healing"

#059 Eli Zhevela - Live with ELI and be MAD
Podcast Episodes · 06. April 2021
Welcome to my first interview with Eli Zheleva for my Show. Eli is a founder of 6 companies, a strong woman that is looking to make a difference to businesses and their people. Furthermore she is a marketer, speaker, mentor and author. This episode has been long in the making and you will not be disappointed from the deep insight we get from Eli. For a business woman she shares a lot of her soft skills together with life stories. You learn about business tips and many spiritual and personal tips
#055 C Jon Sawyer - From "Your heart is the key" to "facing panic attacks"
Podcast Episodes · 10. März 2021
Dear network welcome another guest for my #Podcast #TheOliverSchirachShow. This time it is C. Jon Sawyer founder of #EarthBornDesign and published author (The Lost Alchemist). He was born and raised in Australia and lives now in the US. We started slowly but then when we warmed up we got more into the depth. We got to talk why he changed his name, how he learned how to handle his panic attacks by himself, his lucid dreaming experiences, why running barefoot brings him bliss...

#052 Martin Zoller - Internationally acclaimed psychic, seer and remote viewer explains "Strategic Intuition"
Podcast Episodes · 17. Februar 2021
"Seers describe the future much earlier than political analysts. We don’t need numbers, geopolitical knowledge or extensive traveling to get insights of upcoming events. For us, finding a quiet place to meditate is enough. We hope the fruits of our visions help humanity get a better understanding of their future and how certain events are going to unfold." - Martin Zoller
#051 Govind Radhakrishnan - What is Ayurveda, life examples and application in modern times
Podcast Episodes · 04. Februar 2021
Welcome to the first interview for 2021. You’ll be listening to my conversation with Govind Radhakrishnan from India. We met her in Denmark and I visited one of his courses for Ayurveda and Yoga. His broad knowledge on that mater helped me to understand parts of myself better and got me more interested in the subject of holistic healing through Ayurveda teachings, herbs and more. Govind has many gifts to help people heal their physical, emotional and spiritual wounds and this interview is ...

Podcast Episodes · 08. November 2020
Today we get to listen to Neha Sonney a public speaker, coach, trainer specialised in relationship & intimacy coaching. Neha has shown me how anyone can heal, no matter how bad the situation or experiences are. I learned that traumas from our childhood or even our ancestors get stuck in our body if we don’t let them go; and how we can release them with body work. Learning to calm your mind, how to be in your body and find your authentic you, so you can express yourself fully and authentically.